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AFE Application for Production & Post-Harvest Research Funding
Deadline – August 1 each year

Thank you for your interest in submitting a research application to identify and solve floral industry challenges.

The American Floral Endowment (AFE) is committed to supporting research that advances the floral industry. Your work and expertise are extremely important to us and the future of floriculture. All proposals are reviewed by the AFE Research Committee for industry relevance, and by the Society of American Florists Growers Council. Proposals that rank the highest from these industry reviews will then be selected for academic and peer review to determine final funding.

Because there are always more funding requests than funding, each proposal will be evaluated for potential benefit to the industry. We encourage each researcher to review the AFE research priorities listed below. Our priorities are focused on all floricultural crops, including fresh-cut flowers and greens, flowering and foliage potted plants, bedding plants, and perennials. Projects benefitting any industry segment from grower to consumer will be considered for funding. In no specific order, the priorities are:

  • Sustainable Production and Handling Practices, Including Water Use Efficiency, Growing Media, and Plastic Alternatives
  • Automation, Technology, and AI Leading to Labor Savings
  • Biocontrol of Pests
  • Advanced Breeding Technology, including CRISPR
  • Long-Term Storage and Shipping Conditions for Cut Flowers, Bedding, and Potted Plants
  • Production Technology
  • Postharvest Technology 
  • Botrytis Control and Management
  • Thrips Control and Management

If you have any questions about the application, research proposal process, AFE’s priority areas, or a project idea, please contact AFE at afe@endowment.org.

Application Timeline and Guidelines
The deadline to receive applications is August 1 each year.

Research Application

  • The application must be completed in its entirety using the new ONLINE form.
  • A realistic timetable, budget, and scientific approach must be provided. The inclusion of preliminary data is desired. When requested, please upload additional materials in PDF form.
  • Literature review must be brief but include relevant research conducted either domestically or internationally.
  • Applications do not require an intellectual property agreement. However, all researchers must be aware of and conform to their organizational property rights agreements.
  • Applications not conforming to these guidelines will not be reviewed.
  • AFE policies do not allow for payment of overhead or indirect costs.

Review Timeline:

Application materials must be submitted by August 1. All applicants will be acknowledged immediately, so if you do not receive a confirmation email, contact us immediately. The review and status of the peer review will be communicated by November 1.

Projects selected for final funding will be notified in January of the following year. Funding begins on July 1 and will be provided in two payments, one in July/August and one the following January.

If funded, the applicant must agree to:

  1. Present a final research report at the conclusion of the project (within 60 days of the completion of the project).
  2. Provide acknowledgment of funding by the American Floral Endowment in all publications and presentations. Publish not only in professional journals and other scientific publications but also in industry publications, including AFE newsletters and trade magazines. Use of AFE’s logo is encouraged and permitted in industry publications.
  3. Submit an annual progress report annually (for multi-year projects).
  4. Present findings via webinar through AFE to the industry.

Multiple-Year and Team Projects

To accomplish the research goals of the project, the Endowment funds one to three-year projects. In addition, projects with either a single researcher or multiple researchers at the same or different institutions are considered and encouraged when the research can be better conducted and accomplished. When two or more researchers are included, a “team leader” must be designated to coordinate the implementation and reporting of the project. Grants will be paid to each team member and/or institution separately as requested.

For multi-year projects, an annual progress report and request for continued funding will need to be submitted by June 1 of years 2 and 3.

Industry Relevant Research

Research funded by the American Floral Endowment must be relevant to current and future industry needs, and results should provide information that has commercial applications directly to the industry – growers, wholesalers, retailers, and transportation. Publication of trade magazine articles, AFE newsletter articles, and scientific publications will be requested as part of funded projects. Researchers may be asked to participate in webinars and to provide presentations for the floral industry.

Prior to submitting the proposal, AFE requests that the application contains the name and contact information of two industry representatives who support the proposed research.

Thank you again for supporting the floral industry through your research and expertise. We look forward to speaking with you about your research proposal.

Submission instructions.

  1. Login to the AFE portal
  2. Review all instructions
  3. When ready, start an application. 

Start an application

Applications can be submitted at any time before the submission deadline. Saved applications can be found under My Account > Incomplete Submissions. If you have any questions about the application, research proposal process, AFE’s priority areas, or a project idea, please contact AFE at afe@endowment.org.

Looking for Additional Funding?

The Fred C. Gloeckner Foundation Research Fund also provides research funding annually. For more information and the applications, please visit www.endowment.org/gloeckner for more details.  The application deadline is April 1 each year.